There are few pictures in life that hold the weight of a bridal shot. Not only do weddings represent a momentous change, but they also represent one of the happiest times in a person’s life. It is no surprise that participants want to look their absolute best. For some people, this means big surgery, and for others, small finishing touches. Either way, knowing what to focus on makes the process purposeful.
In thinking wedding bride, it’s all about the chest and neck, the “décolleté.” One of the most common things that brides-to-be come in for is liposuction to the neckline . This is a terrific, quick, high bang-for-your-buck surgery. Tiny incisions are made at the bases of the ears and under the chin, and whatever fat is under there is removed forever. In cases where there is a little jowling, sometimes that can be resolved as well, revealing a gorgeous feminine contour. Downtime is short, and results are often significant.
Another part of the bridal breast is the breast itself. Many wedding gowns are strapless and backless, something that is hard for most breasts to accommodate. If the breast is low or wide or asymmetrical, the dress will need to be fairly orthopedic to make up for that. The options for dress also become limited when the bodice (built-in bra) of the garment has to fit well, and it just becomes another bra that you can’t make work. For this, a breast lift with reshaping can make all the difference. This procedure can relocate breast tissue to the upper pole and cleavage line, and remove it from the side of the body and the upper belly. Making the breasts even in the process can also help balance out fit and shapes, and ultimately offer you the freedom to wear the dress you want to wear, not the one that you can wear.
Once the neck and the breast are sorted, there is always the forgotten form: the armpit . The breast naturally extends into the armpit, but in some cases, that area is over-developed. This can be because of too much fat or too much gland; but either way, it can create pooches of tissue that can really sour the natural lines of the canvas. In some cases, this tissue needs to be cut out; but in many cases, this can be suctioned quickly, with complete resolution. Bye-bye armpit muffin-top. Hello, throw your arms in the air.
Liposuction can also help contour the outer hips, resolving saddle-bags for that slim-dress look. And it can flatten out the belly bulge without the need for corsetry. Suctioning the small of the back reveals one of the most gorgeous parts of the female form, since the shape of the posterior waistline actually has a huge effect on the way you look from the front, and not surprisingly, from the side. And make no mistake – you do not need to remove a lot of fat to have a lot of result. In many cases, it is the small moves that make a surprising difference .
Speaking of muffin tops and bellies, let’s not forget about the groom! No matter how well that suit is tailored, it won’t really sit sleek if there is a bump at the waistline. This is what the cummerbund was invented for- but not needing one is clutch. This opens the door to other looks, like a tapered waistline white shirt, or a button down vest – or no suit at all!
Once the main contours are set, it’s time for the finishing touches. A lip lift can create the perfect puckered mouth, and accentuate contours without having to override natural lines. Injectables can soften lines and plump the cheeks; and the right performance makeup will sit where you put it through the entire event, never ending up on your clothes instead of your face, and outlasting the longest and most potent tears. Top it off with a little body glow shimmer, and you are ready to shine.
The last part of bridal beauty is… everyone else! I have performed countless mother-in-law makeovers, and bridesmaid beauty bombs. The dresses have come a long way over the years, but it’s still nice to rock the dress with fire. And let’s also not forget that, in the end, there are a lot of people in those photos with the marrying couple. This is something that everyone can share. And in the spirit of the gift that keeps on giving, a wedding makeover will not only make the most of your special day, but you can take it with you into the next phase of your life, memorializing that transition into a fabulous new you.